Sunday, November 22, 2009

With Thanksgiving quickly approaching, I felt it necessary to share paintings about this special holiday created by American painters. The top painting was created by the artist Norman Rockwell during the early 1940's and the second painting was created by the artist Jean Louis Gerome Ferris in 1915. Which painting do you like better? Why do you prefer one over the other? Continue to check the site throughout the week as I will post more Thanksgiving paintings.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Warhol's Shoes

The 5th graders have been working hard on completing their Andy Warhol projects. Most students are finished with printing and are now working on coloring their shoes using different color families. Here are two examples of artworks created by Warhol having shoes as the subject. One artwork was created by painting ink, the other was created by using the process of silk screening.
How is your artwork similiar to the examples shown and how is your artwork different. Answer these questions in any post that you make.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Explore the artist Keith Haring!

The 5th grade has been learning about the Pop artist Andy Warhol. For those of you that are unfamiliar with Warhol, he created art about popular everyday things such as movie stars, supermarket products, comic book characters, etc. If you enjoyed learning about Andy Warhol and if you liked his art, then you may enjoy artwork by the artist Keith Haring. Haring painted cartoon like characters on subway walls, city streets, buildings, etc. Click the below website to explore his art made exclusively for kids. Let me know what you think by posting comments.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Extra Credit Assignment Due Friday, November 13th, 2009

Explore my new website by playing some games, reading posts, viewing provided links, etc., to recieve extra credit. Once you have spent some time looking at the site, you must make a post following the "How to Post" instructions on the left hand side of the website. Your comments should say something about what you learned or enjoyed on the website. This assignment is worth 2 extra credit points toward your final term 2 grade. Have fun exploring and let me know what you think!!!

Square 1 Update

Square 1 artwork has finally arrived!!! Students will receive their free stickers and order forms on Tuesday, November 3rd. All orders must be returned by Friday, November 13th. The holidays are approaching and your artwork printed on items can make excellent gifts for family and friends. Remember, the class with the best total sales will receive an ice cream party, so get your orders in as soon as possible.